Visit Paris during late February, March or April, and you'll get the pleasure of seeing one of the city's most beautiful sights:  dazzling masses of pink and white blooms covering cherry trees in almost every neighborhood - a sure sign that spring has arrived in the City of Light.

The best-known places to view cherry blossoms in Paris include some of the city's most famous parks and monuments, such as Tuileries Garden, Jardin des Plantes, and Champs de Mars around the Eiffel Tower.  

Should you expect crowds of other viewers?  Yes, almost always. 

Even though Paris doesn't host cherry blossom festivals like those in Japan where people hold special tea ceremonies under the blooming sakura trees, Parisians do turn out in droves to soak up the blooms' ephemeral beauty.  The most popular locations get crowded, especially on sunny weekends.

But fortunately, you can see equally beautiful cherry trees in other less-known parks, countless neighborhood squares, and even a few hidden gardens in the "insiders' secret" category.

In this guide to the best cherry blossoms in Paris for 2024, we'll take you on a photo tour of the best Paris cherry blossom locations near major and lesser-known attractions. 

Because after all, if you're visiting Paris, you're probably focusing on your bucket list sights - so think of these beautiful flowering trees as a bonus.  We include all the information you need to find them.

At the end of the article, you'll also find a comprehensive guide with addresses and directions to 49 top Paris locations for viewing cherry blossoms to help you find these trees and experience the peak of their beauty.

Top Photo: Kwanzan cherry trees blooming in Paris near the Eiffel Tower, (c) Paris Discovery Guide®

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Where to See Cherry Blossoms in Paris:  Best Places near Top Attractions

These are the top destinations where you can see magnificent displays of cherry blossoms (or cerisiers, as they're called in French) in Paris each spring. 

You'll probably recognize most of them as being well-known attractions, but we can't resist including a few that fall squarely into the "hidden gems" category. 

1.  Trocadéro Gardens (Jardins du Trocadéro), 16th District

Courtyard Garden at Jardin Lazare-Rachline 
Courtyard Garden at Jardin Lazare-Rachline 

During early-to-mid April, you'll easily spot dozens of large Kwanzan cherry trees lining both sides of Trocadéro Gardens' long water basin across the Seine River from the Eiffel Tower.  

On a beautiful spring day, the flamboyant pink of the blossoms attracts numerous picnickers, dog walkers, and strollers, but because of the park's large size, it never feels crowded.

Best of all, the park's sloping hillside provides plenty of perfect spots to photograph the blossoms in front of the "Iron Lady."

Kwanzan cherry blossoms in Jardins du Trocadéro with the Eiffel Tower in the background
Kwanzan cherry blossoms in Jardins du Trocadéro with the Eiffel Tower in the background

Although the fluffy pink masses of blossoms on the late-blooming Kwanzan cherries are the show-stopper, as you can see in our photos, you can also enjoy pale pink and white blossoms on numerous other types of cherry trees here, starting as early as late February.  

As a bonus, you can usually spot a few white cherry blossoms here as early as December, especially around the buildings at the top of the hill.

More to do near Trocadéro Gardens

  • Are you planning to visit the Eiffel Tower in March or April?  Combine your visit with a quick (about 5 minutes) walk across the Pont d'Iéna bridge to see the cherry blossoms in Trocadéro Gardens.

Find out about easy ways to get your Eiffel Tower tickets 

When Can You See Cherry Blossoms in Paris?

You'll see the most lavish display of blooms in Paris during the main cherry blossom season fromMarch through April, although winter-blooming cherry trees show their lovely pink flowers as early as December.

When the deep rose-pink blooms of Kwanzan cherries appear in early to mid-April, they signal the beginning of the end of Paris's cherry blossom season toward the end of the month.

2.  Eiffel Tower/Champ de Mars, 7th Arrondissement

Cherry blossoms photographed on March 4 on Champs de Mars near the Eiffel Tower
Cherry blossoms photographed at the beginning of March on Champs de Mars near the Eiffel Tower

Champ de Mars, the expansive mostly-grassy area surrounding the Eiffel Tower, also contains many cherry trees in bloom from March through April. 

As a bonus, you can usually spot the earliest pale pink cherry blooms plus a few white ones as early as late February.

Unfortunately, the cherry trees are scattered in the garden areas dotted around the former French military drilling grounds, so you may have to hunt around for them. 

But when you come across the cherry trees in bloom, they are lovely and you'll feel well-rewarded for your efforts.

Book a VIP photoshoot with a professional photographer

Pale pink cherry tree blooming in March near the Eiffel Tower - Photo:
Pale pink cherry tree blooming in mid-March near the Eiffel Tower - Photo:

More to do at Champ de Mars

  • Visit the Eiffel Tower, of course!

3.  Jardin des Plantes, 5th Arrondissement

White Japanese cherry (Prunus serrulata) blooming in Paris's Jardin des Plantes
White Japanese cherry (Prunus serrulata) blooming in Paris's Jardin des Plantes

Jardin des Plantes draws big crowds of Parisians, especially on the weekends, to view the spectacular cherry tree blossoms on display. 

This gorgeous 60-acre botanical garden dates back to the 17th century, when Louis III ordered its creation as a place to grow medicinal plants.  Some of the city's oldest cherry trees can be found here, including one planted in the early 1960s.  In case you think that's not very old, it is quite an achievement for ornamental cherry trees, which typically live only 15-25 years and seldom longer than 40 years.

Sprawling cherry tree at Jardin des Plantes
Sprawling cherry tree at Jardin des Plantes

The beautiful but sprawling tree near the greenhouse in the photos above, a white Prunus serrulata, is only about 8 feet (3 meters) tall, but spreads to about 40 feet (about 14 meters). 

Prunus serrulata's petals turn pale pink as they age, and as you can see, they have already started falling.

Square Georges Cain - pediment and columns from old Tuileries Palace
Biggest cherry tree in Jardin des Plantes

The biggest crowds gather around several enormous pink and white flowered cherry trees located in one of the long allées stretching down to the Seine River. 

On a beautiful afternoon with blue skies and fluffy while clouds, they are breathtaking.

Kwanzan cherry blossoms up close
Kwanzan cherry blossoms up close

More to do in & near Jardin des Plantes

  • Within the Jardin des Plantes, explore the small zoo, maze, and the rest of the expansive statue-filled gardens.  Or visit the enormous greenhouses filled with tropical plants, the National Museum of Natural History, a geological museum filled with spectacular gemstones, and the comparative anatomy/paleontology museum. You could easily spend an entire day here
  • Check out the old Roman arena nearby
  • Visit the Grande Mosquée de Paris, where you can explore the beautiful inner courtyard filled with fragrant roses and other plants, especially during April and May.  Sip hot mint tea and feast on delicious North African pastries in the adjacent tea room.

Want More Inspiration?

Get a copy of Paris in Bloom, by garden photographer extraordinaire Georgianna Lane, and keep it on your coffee table to pick up whenever you want to be transported to the City of Light. 

In addition to lushly spectacular photos of cherry blossoms in Paris, the book includes rose gardens, magnolias, summer flowers, floral displays in florist shops, and so much more.

The author publishes similar books on London and New York - you'll want them all!

4.  Tuileries Garden (Jardin du Tuileries), 1st Arrondissement

Cherry trees and daffodils blooming in Tuileries Garden
Cherry trees and daffodils blooming in Tuileries Garden in early April

Although numerous cherry trees of various types grace Tuileries Garden, the beautiful French-style park between the Louvre Museum and Place de la Concorde, the best time to see the most stunning blossoms is late in the season. 

That's when a grove of large old cherry trees burst into flamboyant bloom, with blossoms ranging from deep pink to fuschia.  The effect is euphoric.

View of the Eiffel Tower framed by cherry blossoms in Jardin du Tuileries
View of the Eiffel Tower framed by cherry blossoms in Jardin du Tuileries

The giant urns and statues scattered around the area enhance the effect, and daffodils, tulips, and other spring bulbs add to the beauty.

From some positions, the cherry blossoms frame distant views of the Eiffel Tower.

Huge cherry tree blooming in Tuileries Garden near the Louvre Museum
Huge cherry tree blooming in Tuileries Garden near the Louvre Museum

Look closely, and you'll notice poles supporting many of the trees' drooping branches, which almost touch the ground. 

Keeping the lawn maintained under these conditions might pose a challenge - but if you're lucky, you may spot a couple of special members of the Tuileries landscaping team hard at work.

Goats grooming the lawn at Jardin du Tuileries near Musée du Louvre
Goats grooming the lawn at Jardin du Tuileries near Musée du Louvre

More to Do near Tuileries Garden

5.  Bois de Vincennes, 12th District

White cherry blossoms in Parc de Vincennes
White cherry blossoms in Parc de Vincennes

On the eastern edge of Paris in the 12th arrondissement, Bois de Vincennes (Vincennes Woods) - the second-largest green space in Paris - provides ample space for large and beautiful specimen cherry trees with white and deep pink blossoms.

If you go in April, you'll easily spot the colorful blooms as you enter the park from the Porte Dorée entrance.  Veer to the lake's left to see the pink flowering trees (which appear to be Kwanzan cultivars) and to the right to admire the trees with white blossoms.

Kwanzan (probably) cherry trees in bloom in Parc de Vincennes
Kwanzan cherry trees in bloom in Parc de Vincennes

Earlier in the spring, you'll see cherry trees with less-showy but lovely pale pink blossoms peeking through the wooded areas. 

Best of all, though, is Parc Floral on the north side of Bois de Vincennes near the Chateau de Vincennes metro station on your left as you enter the park. 

This gorgeous botanical garden does have some wonderful cherry trees, but the magnificent displays of daffodils, tulips, and other bulbs almost overshadow them - and that's just a small taste of what this beautifully landscaped park-within-a-park offers throughout the year. 

Although Bois de Vincennes is a favorite of locals, relatively few Paris visitors find their way there, perhaps because it seems a bit remote.  But in reality, it is only 8 minutes by metro from the Bastille station - so don't miss it!

More to See & Do in Bois de Vincennes

  • Daumesnil Lake - Stroll around the shores, or rent a rowboat
  • Zoological Park of Paris - Recently renovated, with about 2,000 animals, five biozones, and an artificial mountain called the "Grand Rocher" - fantastic family destination, but even for solo adult travelers, it's a fascinating place to spend an afternoon
  • Ferme de Paris - A working organic farm with cows, goats, chickens, and an orchard
  • Foire du Trone - A sprawling "fun fair" (carnival) dating back to 957 that typically takes place March - May (check our March events article for details)

Do the Cherry Trees in Paris Produce Edible Fruit?

Although some of the ornamental cherry trees growing in Paris do produce very small, very sour fruits, they are not edible for humans.  Birds, however, love them - especially after they get over-ripe and then ferment.  Yes, just like if you over-indulge in wine at your favorite Paris cafe, birds can get tipsy too!  

6.  Jardin Tino Rossi, 5th Arrondissement

Large cherry tree in Jardin Tino Rossi
Large cherry tree in Jardin Tino Rossi

Quirky contemporary sculptures, dancing and impromptu concerts along the Seine, and paths perfect for running, strolling, and biking are just a few of the charms of Jardin Tino Rossi, a long, linear riverside back in the 5th arrondissement.

You'll see cherry blossoms here throughout March and April as different varieties burst into bloom.

More to do in Jardin Tino Rossi

  • Visit the adjacent Jardin des Plantes
  • Walk across the Pont de Sully bridge to Île Saint-Louis and enjoy ice cream at Berthillon

7.  Jardin du Ranelagh, 16th Arrondissement

Pale pink and white cherry blossoms in Jardin Anne Frank
Pink cherry blossoms with an almost salmon hue in Jardin du Ranelagh in early April

Due to Jardin du Ranelagh's location in the elegant Passy neighborhood outside of the touristic center of Paris, you may never have reason to go there - unless your destination is Musée Marmottan Monet, a small private museum containing the world's largest collection of paintings by Claude Monet.

But in April, groves of blooming Kwanzan cherry trees make the park a worthy destination if you want to enjoy a stroll in one of the loveliest little-known spots in Paris.  Jardin du Ranelagh contains a wide variety of flowering plants, trees, and bushes, making it a rewarding site to visit any time.  The bucolic vibe will make you feel like you're in a Renoir painting.

More to Do near Jardin du Ranelagh

  • Musee Marmottan Monet (2 Rue Louis Boilly) - Superb collection of Monet's paintings on the lower level, numerous paintings by painter Berthe Morisot and other Impressionists, plus other works from the Middle Ages forward.  Get your ticket in advance, as the line can move very, very slowly

Where to Eat near Jardin du Ranelagh

  • La Rotonde de la Muette (12 Chausée de la Muette) - Bistro favorites, with an attractive sidewalk terrace - 1 block from the park
  • La Grande Epicerie (80 Rue de Passy) - All your favorite gourmet treats

8.  Jardins des Champs Elysees, 8th Arrondissement

Pink cherry blossoms along Jardins des Champs Elysees in early March
Pink cherry blossoms along Jardins des Champs Elysees in early March

Jardins des Champs Elysees stretches along both sides of the famous avenue between the Franklin D. Roosevelt and Place de la Concorde metro stations. 

Stunning cherry trees with pink and white foliage bloom from March through mid-April and sometimes even later.  The weeping cherry trees here are particularly charming.

These gardens (plural, because they're on both sides of the avenue) attract quite a few visitors when the cherry trees bloom but because of their size, they never feel crowded.

More to Do near Jardins des Champs Elysees

  • Shopping - If the car dealerships and large stores along Champs Elysees don't excite you, check out the designer showrooms along Avenue Montaigne and Avenue Georges V, part of the "Golden Triangle" of luxury boutiques
  • Arc de Triomphe - Go up to the rooftop for panoramic views of Paris, including the Eiffel Tower

How Long Do Cherry Blossoms Last?

Depending on the type of cherry tree, the cherry blossoms last from just a few days to as long as two weeks.  Most cherry blossoms reach their peak of beauty between three or four days after the buds open.  Cool weather helps the blooms last longer, and hot weather speeds up their end.

Even after the cherry blossoms begin to fade a bit, they are still beautiful.

9.  Jardin Anne Frank, 3rd Arrondissement

Pale pink and white cherry blossoms in Jardin Anne Frank
Pink and white cherry blossoms in Jardin Anne Frank

Unless you know where to look, you're unlikely to discover one of the most breath-taking spots in Paris for viewing cherry blossoms.  Completely hidden by surrounding buildings, Jardin Anne Frank can be reached only through an unpromising-looking "impasse" (passage) off busy Rue Beaubourg close to Pompidou Center.  

Like so many of Paris's hidden gardens carved from the inner courtyards of adjacent buildings, Jardin Anne Frank has multiple "rooms."  

As you pass through the first and second high-walled spaces, you'll glimpse hints of the blossoms that await you (if you're not too distracted by the early blooming roses).  But the third garden room is where you'll feel the full effect:  a canopy of exquisite pink and white blossoms. 

More to Do near Jardin Anne Frank

  • Centre Pompidou - Paris's premier modern and contemporary art museum is a block away; enjoy the exhibits and then head up to the rooftop terrace for terrific Paris skyline views; get tickets to the permanent and temporary exhibitions
  • Musée d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaïsme - Visit the Museum of Jewish Art and History behind the garden (access on Rue de Temple)
  • Paris Jewish History Walking Tour - Visit sites including the Marais' Pletzl area, the Art Nouveau synagogue, and other significant places as you learn about the history of the Jewish community in Paris

More Places to See Paris Cherry Trees in Bloom

Most of these locations contain just a small number of ornamental cherry trees, so they're not top destination sites.  You probably won't make a trip just to see them, but if you're in the neighborhood to see or do something else, you won't want to miss them.

Some are small "insider's secret" Paris gardens and "hidden gem" parks you've probably never heard of, but if you're nearby, why not stop by - especially if you bring a croissant and coffee to enjoy on a park bench while you soak up the cherry trees' beauty and discover a new-to-you spot in Paris.

Others, such as Petit Palais and Luxembourg Garden, are popular destinations where the cherry tree blooms provide a bonus.

10.  Petit Palais, 8th Arrondissement

Cherry tree just beginning to bloom in mid April in Paris's Petit Palais
Flower buds on a cherry tree are beginning to open in mid-April in Paris's Petit Palais

Not only does Petit Palais, the City of Paris's lovely Museum of Fine Arts, host excellent exhibitions (with free admission to the permanent collection) of its collections of art from Greek and Roman times through 18th and 19th century artists such as Rembrandt, Rubens, Rodin, and Monet, but it also offers visitors access to its inner courtyard garden filled with beautiful flowering plants.  A small cafe overlooking the garden adds to its appeal.

Several cherry trees with pale pink blossoms add to the charm.  Depending on the year, they begin to bloom in early to mid-April.  Sadly, like most cherry blooms, the beautiful flowers typically last only about a week.

More to Do near Petit Palais

  • Army Museum and Napoleon's Tomb at Invalides - Take a small group guided tour of this enormous military museum, learn about French military history from the jousting of medieval knights to the 20th century World Wars. and visit Napoleon Bonaparte's final resting place.
  • Musée de l'Orangerie - See Monet's magnificent water lily paintings at L'Orangerie
  • Musée Orsay - Immerse yourself in superb Impressionist Post-Impressionist art - Save with a combo ticket for skip-the-line museum entrance and a Seine River cruise

11.  Square Marie Trintignant, 4th Arrondissement

Pale pink and white cherry blossoms in Jardin Anne Frank
Kwanzan cherry tree in bloom in Square Marie Trintignant near the Seine River

Normally, Square Marie Trintignant provides a lush green oasis in a quiet corner of the Marais across from the Seine River.

But in April, the fluffy pink blossoms of several Kwanzan cherry trees turn the small garden a giddy pink.  Stroll along the paths, or relax on one of the benches to enjoy the beauty.

More to do near Square Marie Trintignant

  • Walk up Rue des Jardins Saint-Paul, and check out the section of King Philip II's wall, built in 1190 as he departed to fight in the Crusades.  Explore the antique and antique shops and art galleries around the cobblestone courtyards of Village Saint-Paul, a protected historic site, on your right (you'll see several small entrances) as you continue walking up the street.  
  • Hungry?  Head to Chez Mademoiselle (go left when Rue des Jardins Saint-Paul dead-ends at Rue Charlemagne) for a delicious lunch of modern French bistro fare.

12.  Parc Georges Brassens, 15th Arrondissement

Pale pink and white cherry blossoms in Jardin Anne Frank
Kwanzan cherry tree in bloom in Square Marie Trintignant near the Seine River

Several varieties of ornamental cherry trees dot the grassy slopes of Parc Georges Brassens and bloom at various times throughout March and April, but the biggest and most flamboyant Kwanzan cherries line Rue des Morillons in front of the park.  A Wallace Fountain adds to the charm.

The best time to see the blossoms is around mid-April (the above photo was taken on April 14), although each year is different, and the timing can vary by as much as a week or two.

The small square in front of the park features several cafes with outdoor tables where you can sit and enjoy the blossoms with a café crème or glass of wine.  Or gather picnic fixings from the small fruit markets, cheese shops, and bakeries around the square (Max Poilâne, headed by the granddaughter of the original Poilâne bakery's founded) is at 87 Rue Brancion), and head into the park to enjoy your feast.

More to do in Parc Georges Brassens

  • Stroll around and admire all the different garden areas, including the small vineyard. 
  • Relax by the pond 
  • Traveling with children?  They'll love the playground, puppet shows, and pony rides 
  • On weekends, a huge market featuring antique, vintage, and used books and posters attracts visitors from all over Paris

13.  Rue des Martyrs, 9th Arrondissement

Pale pink and white cherry blossoms in Jardin Anne Frank
Cherry blossoms along Rue des Martyrs

Although beautiful flower displays in front of florists along Rue des Martyrs add vivid splashes of color, this popular market street has not been known for its trees. 

That may be about to change, based on the number of young cherry trees beginning to make their presence felt.  Their pale pink blooms already add to the street's attractions, and in a few years, cherry blooms in this part of Paris should be spectacular.  So stay tuned!

More to do near Rue des Martyrs

14.  Jardin des Rosiers Joseph Migneret, 4th District

White cherry blossoms in bloom at Jardin des Rosiers in the Marais
White cherry blossoms in bloom at Jardin des Rosiers in the Marais

Pure white cherry blossoms add to the tranquility of Jardin des Rosiers Joseph Migneret, a walled garden formed by merging the private gardens of three mansions. 

If you enter the garden from Rue des Rosiers, you can see the remains of one of the towers of the historic King Philip's wall that circled Paris around 1,000 years ago. 

More to Do near Jardin des Rosiers Joseph Migneret

  • Musée Cognacq-Jay (8 Rue Elzevir) - View the luxury goods favored by the upper middle class of the 20th century in this museum displaying collections of the founder of La Samarataine department store; free admission to the permanent collection (most of the time), and small fee for special exhibitions
  • Musée Carnavalet (Rue de Sévigné) - Fascinating museum with collections showcasing the history of Paris from Roman times; free admission
  • Falafel - Buy a freshly-made falafel at one of the cafes along Rue des Rosiers - L'As du Fallafel attracts the longest lines, but the others are also good

15.  Square Marius Constant, 5th Arrondissement

Pale pink cherry tree blooming in Square Marius Constant
Pale pink cherry tree blooming in Square Marius Constant

Although Square Marius Constant in a quiet corner of the Latin Quarter provides a lovely spot to sit for a few quiet moments during any time of the year, pink and white cherry trees make it especially appealing during March and April.

Bring a book or grab a Nutella crepe on nearby Rue Mouffetard, and enjoy the solitude.

More to Do near Square Marius Constant

  • Explore Rue Mouffetard - Walk down this famous market street to Square Saint Médard, and visit Eglise Saint-Médard, a 15th-century church with a lovely interior
  • Marché Monge - Visit this lively market on Rue Monge, open on most Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays from about 7am - 2:30-3pm

16.  La Défense Esplanade

Pale pink and white cherry blossoms in Jardin Anne Frank
Pink cherry tree blooming in December along the La Defense Esplanade

Winter-blooming cherry trees provide an especially welcome sight in Paris, partly because of their pale beauty but also because they remind us that spring is just around the corner.

The La Defense Esplanade, best known for its enormous outdoor sculptures, includes a series of gardens along its length where you'll almost always find something blooming, including winter-blooming cherries to light up even the darkest December days.

More to do on the La Defense Esplanade

Admire the 60+ sculptures and the unique architecture of the surrounding skyscrapers, and if you visit in December, enjoy the huge Christmas Market along the Esplanade.

17.  Place Lucien Herr, 5th Arrondissement

White cherry trees blooming in Place Lucien Herr
White cherry trees blooming in Place Lucien Herr

Don't feel surprised if you've never heard of Place Lucien Herr, much less have any clue where to find it.  It's a tiny corner of land at the intersection of Rue Tournefort, Rue Lhomond, and Rue Pierre Brossolette in the heart of the Latin Quarter. 

The plaza is just a small neighborhood spot with a few benches surrounded by a sliver of a garden packed with gorgeous beautiful flowering shrubs and trees, including this small grove of cherries that burst with snow-white blossoms during mid-March.  The photo above was taken in late March, and as you can see, petals are already dropping to the ground.

More to do near Place Lucien Herr

  • Pantheon - Explore this impressive monument to the heroes of France (including American Josephine Baker, honored for her work in the French resistance during World War II)
  • Explore Medieval Paris - Take a private walking tour of the oldest parts of Paris, including the Latin Quarter and Notre Dame area, and learn about life in Paris in the Middle Ages

18.  Square Marcel Pagnol, 8th Arrondissement

Large Kwanzan cherry tree blooming in Square Marcel Paguol in late April
Large Kwanzan cherry tree in Square Marcel Pagnol in front of Eglise Saint-Augustin during late April - at least a week past their peak bloom time, but still lovely!

Although Square Marcel Pagnol, a shady oasis across from the elegant 19th century Saint Augustin church attracts locals who live or work in the area and stop by for an "al fresco" picnic lunch or simply enjoy a few quiet moments, Paris visitors seldom seem to find it. 

If you're in the area, especially when the cherry trees and magnolias bloom, take a few moments to stroll through and admire the magnificent blossoms, ornate fountain, and lush plantings.   

Famed architect Victor Baltard designed the church at the direction of Baron Haussmann during Napoleon III's transformation of the city in the 1850s-'60s to provide a dramatic view along his newly created Boulevard Malsherbes. 

From a distance, the deep pink blossoms of the cherry trees beautifully accentuate the deep red tones of the cast-iron cupola crowning the church's dome - an appealing vista that no doubt would have pleased Haussmann.

More to Explore near Square Marcel Pagnol

  • Chapelle Expiatoire - Commemorates the spot where King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette were initially buried after being guillotined (their remains now reside at the Basilica of Saint-Denis); considered the best example of late Neoclassical religious architecture in Paris
  • Musée Jacquemart-André - A mansion-museum displaying the art collections of the very wealthy couple who once lived there; lovely winter garden and restaurant/tea room
  • Printemps and Galeries Lafayette - Two of the famous grands magasins luxury department stores

19.  Square Montholon, 9th Arrondissement

Pale pink and white cherry blossoms in Jardin Anne Frank
Dark-pink Kwanzan cherry trees blooming in Square Montholon

Tucked away on Rue La Fayette, Square Montholon anchors the small "Village Montholon" neighborhood, a charming enclave of small hotels, bistros, and bakeries, art galleries, and artisan studios.  Rue des Martyrs is about a 5-minute walk away.

The square - really a lushly-planted garden with benches, a busy children's playground, and benches often occupied at midday by residents and visitors eating their lunches - contains several early-blooming cherry trees (which sometimes show their blooms as early as late-February) and the late-blooming Kwanzan cherries shown above.

Major Attractions near Square Montholon

  • Grevin Wax Museum - This fun wax museum includes scenes and life-like figures from French history and culture, plus some recognizable American icons; get your tickets in advance because lines can be long and slow
  • Folies Bergere - Watch a show at this famous cabaret
  • Rue des Martyrs - Explore one of the best food streets in Paris

Where to Stay near Square Montholon

  • Maison Mère - Gorgeous new contemporary 4-star hotel on a quiet street with an on-site restaurant/bar, co-working spaces, art gallery, and complimentary passes to a nearby Paris gym
  • Hotel Helussi - Attractive 3-star hotel with a complimentary sauna and affordable private parking nearby
  • Hotel Palm - Astotel - 3-star hotel with a chic mid-century vibe; complimentary breakfast for children up to 12 years old

20.  Luxembourg Garden, 6th Arrondissement

White cherry blossoms in Luxembourg Garden in late April
White cherry blossoms in Luxembourg Garden in late April

Created in the early 1600s by Marie de' Medici, widow of King Henry IV, Luxembourg Garden fully deserves its reputation as one of Paris's loveliest parks.  But during cherry blossom season in Paris, the garden's beauty is unrivaled.

Starting in late February - early March and extending through late April, multiple varieties of cherry trees bloom through the garden and its small orchard (near the greenhouses in the south-west corner), weaving an ever-changing tapestry in subtle shades of pink, cream, and pure white. 

Bloom times for trees in specific locations vary by as much as 2-3 weeks each year, so you may need to walk around quite a bit to find the cherries in bloom at any specific time.  But once you find them, you'll feel well-rewarded by their beauty.

More to See in and near Luxembourg Garden

  • Medici Fountain - This magnificent Italian Renaissance-style garden and reflecting basin in a leafy grotto in a corner of Jardin du Luxembourg has enchanted visitors since 1630
  • Musée du Luxembourg (19 Rue de Vaugirard) - Located in the garden's former Orangery, the museum currently hosts temporary exhibitions; check our calendar of Paris museum exhibitions to find out what's on display
  • Saint Sulpice Church - This immense 17th century church, the second-largest in Paris and only slightly smaller than Notre Dame, contains an elaborate gnomon, enormous shells used for holy water fonts, and many others

Where to Stay near Luxembourg Garden

21.  Rue des Rosiers, 4th District

Pale pink and white cherry blossoms in Jardin Anne Frank
Real or fake? Rue des Rosiers in the Marais

This effusive display of cherry blossoms at Bulle, a popular spot for bubble tea and plant-based food at the corner of Rue des Rosiers and Rue des Ecouffles, stops passers-by as they ponder: fake or real? 

The blossoms certainly look genuine, as do the stems that seemingly rise from a small space in the cobblestones.  The white flowers even sport a number of green leaves, signaling the imminent end of their bloom season.

The next time you walk along Rue des Rosiers in April, check them out.  What do you think?

More Places to Eat on & near Rue des Rosiers

  • Korcarz (29 Rue des Rosiers) - Kosher bakery, but the sandwiches are the stars here
  • Les Philosophes (28 Rue Vielle du Temple) - Go for French onion soup, steak-frites, and other bistro classics
  • L'As du Fallafel (34 Rue des Rosiers) - The "secret" spicy sauce gives their veggie-packed falafels extra pizazz, as the long lines outside the pick up window attest

P.S.  The "blossoms" in the photo are indeed fake.  In fact, fake cherry blossoms have now become a trend in Paris. 

22.  Saint Paul Metro Station, 4th Arrondissement

Pink cherry blossoms blooming near the Saint Paul metro station
Pink cherry blossoms blooming near the Saint Paul metro station

The colorful carousel near the Saint Paul metro station always makes this small plaza special, but when the half-dozen or so Kwanzan cherry blossoms open, it's especially charming. 

Enjoy the sight from an outdoor table at a nearby cafes and bakeries.

More to Near the Saint Paul Metro Station

  • Maison Européenne (5 Rue de Fourcy) - Top place to see contemporary photographic exhibitions in Paris
  • Eglise Saint-Paul Saint-Louis (99 Rue Saint Antoine) - Beautiful baroque church with a paintings by Delacroix and Pilon

23.  Arènes de Lutèce, 5th Arrondissement

Pale pink and white cherry blossoms in Jardin Anne Frank
Pink cherry blossoms in the garden surrounding Paris's old Roman arena in late March

The park surrounding three sides of Arenes de Lutece, the first century Roman arena tucked away in the 5th arrondissement, contains a lush diversity of flowering trees and plants plus plenty of paths for strolling and benches for sitting.

You'll spot the cherry blossoms from late February into April.  Several different varieties flourish here, so you'll see a succession of blooms - part of the charm of this special, mostly-hidden attraction.

More to Do near Arenes de Lutece

  • Jardin Plantes - One of the best places in Paris to see huge cherry trees blooming in April, plus many single-flowered varieties earlier in the season
  • Marché Monge - Charming outdoor food market surrounding a picturesque fountain; open on most Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays from about 7am - 2:30-3pm

Find out more about visiting Arenes de Lutece

24.  Place Saint Georges, 9th Arrondissement

Kwanzan cherry tree in bloom in Place Saint Georges
Kwanzan cherry tree in bloom in Place Saint Georges

During the 19th neighborhood, numerous famous musicians and writers such as Chopin, List, George Sand, and Gustave Moreau lived and held soirées in the Place Saint Georges neighborhood, then known as "New Athens." 

On the grounds of Hôtel Dosne‐Thiers, blossoms from a large Kwanzan cherry draw attention to this gorgeous 19th century mansion, once a private residence and now a research library specializing in the history of France. 

Other elegant mansions surround the square (which is actually round).  A famous (back in the 19th century) courtesan named La Païva lived briefly in Number 28 before moving into an even more luxurious place on Avenue des Champs-Elysees.

More to do near Square Saint-Georges

  • Visit nearby art galleries, boutiques, and the nearby Moreau Museum and Musée de la Vie Romantic, both former homes of 19th century painters.  
  • For a special splurge, attend one of the special opera performances at Hôtel Dosne‐Thiers (check the Paris concert schedule), staged in several rooms of the mansion's rooms and accompanied by Champagne and cocktails. 

25.  Square Suzanne Buisson, Montmartre, 9th Arrondissement

Cherry trees just starting to bloom in early March in Montmartre's Square Suzanne Buisson
Cherry trees just starting to bloom in early March in Montmartre's Square Suzanne Buisson 

Perhaps it's not surprising that Montmartre, with its village vibe, is home to numerous cherry trees sprinkled around the neighborhood.  Look for blooms throughout March and April, as different varieties open their blossoms.

For the best cherry blossom views, take the metro to the Larmarck-Caulaincourt station and explore the area north of Sacre Coeur Basilica, which means you'll also avoid the steepest hills. 

More to Do & See in Montmartre

  • Sacre Coeur - Fantastic Paris skyline views from outside, and a lovely interior worth seeing
  • Musée de Montmartre - Art depicting the history of the neighborhood; a small vineyard on the hillside has been here since the Middle Ages, although the vines were replanted in 1933
  • Place du Tertre - Enjoy the street artists and souvenir shops
  • Rue des Abbesses - Wonderful market and foodie street

26.  Pere Lachaise Cemetery, 20th Arrondissement

Cherry blossoms in early March in Pere Lachaise Cemetery
Cherry blossoms in early March in Pere Lachaise Cemetery

When Napoleon inaugurated Pere Lachaise Cemetery in 1804 in what was then the countryside, Parisians balked at traveling beyond central Paris to bury their loved ones - so landscape architect Alexandre-Theodore Brongniart redesigned the burial ground as an English-style garden, complete with many different trees and plants along winding paths.  Moving the remains of a few famous people here also added to the cachet.

Today, cherry trees start blooming in Cimetière Père Lachaise in late February, adding to the beauty of Paris's first garden cemetery.  Because of the diverse types of cherry trees planted here, you can see usually see a succession of blossoms for about two months.

More to do near Pere Lachaise Cemetery

27.  Square Jean XXIII by Notre Dame Cathedral, 4th Arrondissement

Pink cherry blossoms at Square Jean XXIII photographed in April before the fire
Pink cherry blossoms at Square Jean XXIII photographed in April before the fire

Before the tragic fire at Notre Dame in April, 2019, the small grove of cherry trees in Square Jean XXIII on the south side of the cathedral put on a spectacular show each April.

The good news:  they still do.  You mostly can't see them due to high walls around the work areas where reconstruction is underway, but based on the blossoms visible over the top of the barriers, they appear to be unharmed and healthy.  When the walls come down, probably in late 2024, you'll be able to see their full beauty again.

More to do near Square Jean XXIII

  • Île de la Cité - Although Notre Dame is off-limits at the moment, you can explore the rest of this historical part of Paris, where you'll find everything from the magnificent stained glass at Sainte-Chapelle to the Sunday Bird Market to a secret garden or two.

Comprehensive Guide to Cherry Blossom Locations in Paris: 49 Best Addresses

1st Arrondissement

  • Tuileries Garden - Place de la Concorde (adjacent to the Louvre Museum); Metros: Concorde, Tuileries

3rd Arrondissement

  • Jardin Anne Frank - 14 Impasse Berthaud (access from Rue Beaubourg); Metro: Saint Paul

4th Arrondissement

  • Jardin des Rosiers Joseph Migneret - 10 Rue des Rosiers; Metro:  Saint Paul
  • Bulle - 19 Rue des Rosiers; Metro:  Saint Paul
  • Saint Paul Metro Station - Rue de Rivoli, across from Rue Pavée intersection; Metro:  Saint Paul
  • Square Marie Trintignant - 57 Rue Cuvier; Metro: Jussieu

5th Arrondissement

  • Arenes de Lutece - 49 Rue Monge; Metro: Cardinal Lemoine, Place Monge, or Jussieu
  • Jardin des Plantes - 57 Rue Cuvier; Metro: Jussieu
  • Jardin Tino Rossi - 2 Quai Saint Bernard: Metro: Jussieu, Quai de la Rapée (walk across the Pont d'Austerlitz bridge, Sully Morland (walk across the Pont de Sully bridge)
  • Place Lucien Herr - Intersection of Rue Tournefort, Rue Lhomond, and Rue Pierre Brossolette; Metro: Censier-Daubenton or Place Monge
  • Shakespeare & Company Bookstore - A couple of Kwanzan cherries open their deep pink blossoms in early April in front of the store; 37 Rue de la Bûcherie (across the Seine from Notre Dame); Metro: Saint-Michel Notre Dame
  • Square Jean XXIII - South side of Notre Dame Cathedral; Metro: Cité
  • Square Marius Constant - 15 Rue Saint-Médard; Metro:  Place Monge
  • Square Paul-Langevin - 20 Rue Monge; Metro: Cardinal Lemoine
  • Square Rene Viviani - 25 Quai de Montebello (across the Seine from Notre Dame); Metro: Saint-Michel Notre Dame or Maubert-Mutualité

6th Arrondissement

  • Luxembourg Garden - Surrounding streets include Rue de Vaugirard, Rue de Medicis, Boulevard Saint Michel, Rue Auguste Comte, Rue d'Assas, Rue Guynemer; Metro: RER-B: Luxembourg
  • Square Gabriel Pierné - Behind the Institut de France; 5 Rue de Seine (near Pont des Arts bridge); Metro: Mabillon

7th Arrondissement

  • Champ de Mars / Eiffel Tower - Quai Branly, across from the Pont d'Iéna bridge; Metro: Ecole Militaire or Bir Hakeim

8th Arrondissement

  • Jardin des Champs Elysees - Both sides of Avenue des Champs Elysees between Place Franklin D. Roosevelt and Place de la Concorde; Metro: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Champs Elysees-Clemenceau, Concorde
  • Parc Monceau - Plenty of cherry trees bloom as early as late February throughout this beautiful park; 35 Boulevard de Courcelles; Metro: Monceau
  • Petit Palais - Avenue Winston Churchill; Metro: Champs Elysees-Clemenceau
  • Square Marcel Pagnol - 12 Rue de Laborde; Metro: Saint Augustin

9th Arrondissement

  • Rue des Martyrs - 9th district, between Rue Saint-Lazare and Boulevard de Clichy; Metro: Pigalle (north end), Notre Dame de Lorette (south end)
  • Square Montholon - 2 Rue Mayran; Metro: Cadet, Poissonnière
  • Square Saint Georges - At the intersection of Rue Saint-Georges and Rue Notre Dame de Lorette; Metro: Saint-Georges

12th Arrondissement

  • Bois de Vincennes - Metro: Porte Dorée or Chateau de Vincennes
  • Coulée Verte (Promenade Plantée) - Elevated park along an abandoned railway called (La Petite Ceinture) where you can see cherry blossoms in March and April; 1 Coulée Verte René-Dumont - several entrances (ie, stairs) including at 44 Rue de Lyon (by the Viaduc des Arts on Avenue Daumesnil close to Opera Bastille), the Avenue Daumesnil/Boulevard Diderot intersection, Jardin de Reuilly, Square Charles Péguy (the end point); Metro:  Bastille
  • Mail de Bièvre - Small linear park (mail means "mall" in French) with a double row of cherry trees blooming in April - a hidden gem; 109 Bd Auguste Blanqui; Metro: Glacière
  • Parc de Bercy - Cherry trees bloom throughout the park in March and April; 128 Quai de Bercy; Metro: Cour Saint-Emilion

14th Arrondissement

  • Parc Montsouris - Stately old cherry trees - beautiful pink and white blooms in early April; 2 Rue Gazan; RER-B: Cité Universitaire

15th Arrondissement

  • Parc André Citroen - Hidden gem - large modern park with beautiful gardens, including cherry trees; 2 Rue Cauchy; Metro Javel
  • Parc Georges Brassens - 2 Place Jacques Marette (Rue Morillons), Convention neighborhood; Metro: Convention or Porte de Versailles
  • Place Camille Claudel - By the Falguière metro station

16th Arrondissement

  • Jardins des Serres d'Auteuil - Cherry trees bloom throughout March and April in this City of Paris botanical garden next to Roland Garros; 3 Avenue de la Porte d'Auteuil; Metro: Porte d'Auteuil
  • Jardin du Ranelagh - 1 Avenue Prudhon; Metro: Muette
  • Jardins du Trocadéro - Place du Trocadéro et du 11 Novembre (directly across the Seine River from the Eiffel Tower; Metro: Trocadéro
  • Parc Bagatelle in Bois de Boulogne - Beautiful weeping cherries as well as other varieties blooming throughout March and April; Getting there:  Take Metro Line 1 to Neuilly-Porte Maillot Station, bus #244 to Porte de Madrid stop at the edge of the park

17th Arrondissement

  • Parc Clichy-Batignolles Martin Luther King - Look for the grove of cherry trees in this large park with a pond, big children's playground, skateboard park; 147 Rue Cardinet; Metro: Pont Cardinet
  • Square des Batignolles - Cherry trees scattered through this lovely wooded neighborhood park; 144 Rue Cardinet; Metro: Pont Cardinet

18th Arrondissement

  • Montmartre Cemetery - 20 Avenue Rachel: Metro: Blanche
  • Square Suzanne Buisson - 7 Rue Girardon, Montmartre neighborhood; Metro: Lamarck-Caulaincourt

19th Arrondissement

  • Parc des Buttes Chaumont - View the cherry trees from the hill-top temple; 1 Rue Botzaris; Metro: Botzaris or Buttes Chaumont

20th Arrondissement

  • Parc de Belleville - Vertical park on a hillside (scattered with cherry trees) with nice views of Paris in the distance; 47 rue des Couronnes, plus entrances at the top of the hill along Rue Piat; Metro: Pyrenees or Couronnes
  • Pere Lachaise Cemetery - 16 Rue de Repos; Metro: Pere Lachaise
  • St. Simonians Square, Menilmontant neighborhood - Filled with pink and white blossoms starting in March; 151 Rue de Menilmontant; Metro: Saint-Fargeau

Close to Paris

  • Palace of Versailles - Although you'll find cherry trees scattered around various parts of the lush gardens surrounding Versailles, the absolute best place to enjoy them is in the Queen's Grove, a secluded garden created in 1776 to provide Marie Antoinette with a private enclave for walking with her friends.  Tours to Palace of Versailles from Paris
  • Parc de Sceaux - Numerous Kwanzan cherry trees in Chateau de Sceaux's vast park, laid out by famed landscape designer André Le Nôtre, bloom during the April during the park's Japanese-style Hanami Cherry Blossom Festival in the middle of the month (check their website for exact dates); Getting there:  RER-B to Sceaux or Parc de Sceaux station plus about a 10-minute walk to the entrance (well-marked with signs)
  • Disneyland Paris - If you visit the famous amusement park in March or April, you'll see some lovely cherry blossoms scattered around the grounds; Getting there from Paris:  RER-A to Marne-la-Vallée-Chessy (about a 35-minute ride, depending your departure point, and then a 3-minute walk to the park)
  • La Defense Esplanade - La Défense (Paris's business district) located in Puteaux, France, directly across the Seine River from Bois de Bologne in the 16th arrondissement; Metro: La Defense (about 8-9 minutes from the Etoile metro station by the Arc de Triomphe), Esplanade de la Defense (about 7-8 minutes from Etoile metro)

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